As I move into a new phase of my writing career here (thanks, Covid!) I want to make sure you all are getting what you want from me, and not getting what you don't want… So, going forward we have three options for you: Sexy Track, Scary Track, and Everything Track. Just make your selection below!
Sexy Track
All of my work about non-monogamy, swinging, polyamory, relationships, etc, live, including my upcoming book Coloring Outside the Lines: Swinging, Polyamory, & Sexual Exploration For Life.
Scary Track
Where Prudence Osgood and The Spectral Inspector books live. Here you'll get short stories, and updates about upcoming Osgood books and the IN DEVELOPMENT Osgood TV series!
Everything Track
An omnibus of everything for those who wish not to choose. Get everything I'm compelled to send. Just gorge on all the stuffs.