Good evening, friends. Cooper here. While I usually take copious notes on episodes and films, I couldn't bring myself to do so for Hannibal Rising, which, unsurprisingly, was just as poor a film as I'd feared.
Instead of taking notes, though, I live tweeted my viewing experience. The podcast comes out next week, but until then…
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I planned on never watching this movie, but you guys covering it made me decide to subject myself to the same self-punishment. I’ll post my own thoughts later today. I do have one request though: don’t let this of all topics be the final podcast! There’s one more Thomas Harris novel/movie you haven’t covered: Black Sunday. It’s much better than this, and while not horror it is in other ways more in keeping with the rest of his work.
Don’t worry! There are at least 2 more episodes of Eat The Rudecast coming AFTER Hannibal Rising. But we don’t want to cover NON-Hannibal films/shows.
What’s left, then? You’ve already done all the films & episodes. That’s the only bit of “the works of Thomas Harris” I can think of, unless you want to cover books separately from films.
Some pedantic notes: The Lecter estate should have already been nationalized & distributed by the occuppying Soviets before the Germans arrived. Considering that the surname “Lecter” isn’t particularly Baltic, it might have been fitting if the family were Volkdeutsch and among the many Lithuanians eager to collaborate against the Soviets, but Harris was too enamored of his protagonist and had to give him the “Nazis ate my siter” sob/origin story. A Stuka is depicted diving in a diagonal straight at a tank while firing its guns: they were actually famous for closing the horizontal distance higher above, then diving nearly straight down via an automated barrel roll to drop their bombs (if the pilot passed out during the dive, it would still go back up though without releasing said bombs). The bandits start out as locals hoping to join the SS, but it should be noted that a Waffen SS division was never established in Lithuania. It seems far more difficult for Hannibal to cross the Lithuanian border into communist Poland than any subsequent border all the way through to his aunt’s estate in France. For the epilogue, if Hannibal is known by the police to have committed multiple murders under his own name and then apparently died in an explosion, how did he immigrate to the U.S, then study & practice medicine under the same name?
Overall, this movie was no good. It’s not even bad in an interesting way. It’s just slapping the name “Hannibal” on something and throwing in the occasional reference in hopes of some sort of “halo effect”. Oddly enough, there are people who exist and like it. The opinions here appear to be universally positive, and if you check that site for classics like Eraserhead they’ll slant negative.